Where to Live and How to Live
This book explores one of our deepest desires: To find in this terror-ridden world—Where to Live? And How to Live?
In 40 provocative essays, you are taken on a search for the ideal location to live in beauty, safety, health and civility.
Here are the enduring villages, sprawling suburbia and mega-cities as we look and compare for suitability, security and vital happiness.
A transcendent journey of discovery and adventure—France, America, England, the West Indies, Greece, New England; from Paris to New York City; from Mougins in Provence to Concord, Sudbury and Stonington Village; from Claude Monet’s Giverney to "coastal resort villages," (East Hampton, Bay Head), transplanted Granville, Ohio to Carnegie Hill, a village in the City. Come along on an intriguing challenge.
Excerpt From The FOREWORD By Alexandra Stoddard:
"Village reflects firsthand experiences we can all share beginning when we found our cottage in Stonington Village, Connecticut in the summer of 1989. The author fell in love with village existence after spending most of his life in New York City, where his family had settled in 1927 on Carnegie Hill, described as a village within a city.
Peter Brown encourages us to feel we can create the spirit of the village, the place and the life inside our hearts, wherever we are, wherever we travel: we are connected to this mysterious divine feeling when ‘we are in the right place.’
Perhaps what we are all seeking is here, right here, in a village, or similar place where we are; cultivating, as Voltaire said, our own garden—allowing us to slow down, walk about, observe, and feel content with both where we are and how we want to live."
Available in hardcover from Bank Square Books