


I love to connect with my readers, and in my monthly newsletter, I share my thoughts, updates about events, a discussion of what I've been reading, stories from life in Connecticut, and much more. Feel free to browse my past newsletters and stop by at the beginning of each month to read my latest note to you.

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Photo by Elissa

Happy Valentine's Day!

February 2025


I love you! February is the month of love. There are endless, eternal ways to love. It is our relationships with each other, our human connections, that bring us our lasting happiness.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama understands that we must have the capacity to love ourselves in order to build “a sense of caring toward others.” Self-care is self-love. In order to become a more excellent human being, the ancient philosophers believed we must be aware of our every thought and action. I love the romantic poet Robert Browning’s insight: “Where my heart lies, let my brain lie also.”

Paying close attention to the thoughts that flood our mind can help us become kinder and more loving to ourselves as well as to all the people with whom we interact. Throughout our lives, we continuously make choices that form patterns of attitude and judgment. It’s a good ...

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All Newsletters

December 2002


I hope your heart is full of Thanksgiving cheer and you feel that you have abundant blessings in your life.

Peter and I count you as healers and friends. The outpouring of loving energy continues to uplift us, inspire us and is working magically. Thanks to a wonderful and talented ...

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November 2002


Can you imagine how much the following letter warmed my heart, especially under these difficult circumstances? As our lives have been suddenly confined to a few rooms in our New York apartment because of Peter’s injury, we’re acutely aware how precious life is, how important it is to ...

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October 2002


Peter and I enjoyed some peaceful happy days at the cottage in September, savoring sparkling sunny days with low humidity. The sunsets were awesome in their spectacular colors. As sky meets water when the sun touches down, we experience a miraculous sight, a promise of nature's continuity. Fall is ...

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September 2002


I think of this month as a time of new beginnings, being given a clean, clear fresh start. As children go back to school, we go back to work, inspired by time shared with family and friends, grateful for time in the garden, at the beach, on the water and ...

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I love to connect with my readers, and in my monthly newsletter, I share my thoughts, updates about events, a discussion of what I've been reading, stories from life in Connecticut, and much more. Feel free to browse my past newsletters and stop by at the beginning of each month to read my latest note to you.