


I love to connect with my readers, and in my monthly newsletter, I share my thoughts, updates about events, a discussion of what I've been reading, stories from life in Connecticut, and much more. Feel free to browse my past newsletters and stop by at the beginning of each month to read my latest note to you.

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Photo by Elissa

Happy Valentine's Day!

February 2025


I love you! February is the month of love. There are endless, eternal ways to love. It is our relationships with each other, our human connections, that bring us our lasting happiness.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama understands that we must have the capacity to love ourselves in order to build “a sense of caring toward others.” Self-care is self-love. In order to become a more excellent human being, the ancient philosophers believed we must be aware of our every thought and action. I love the romantic poet Robert Browning’s insight: “Where my heart lies, let my brain lie also.”

Paying close attention to the thoughts that flood our mind can help us become kinder and more loving to ourselves as well as to all the people with whom we interact. Throughout our lives, we continuously make choices that form patterns of attitude and judgment. It’s a good ...

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All Newsletters

December 2010


It’s hard to believe that on my birthday, November 8th, when I awoke, it was snowing! One of the most wonderful things about living in Stonington Village is our ability to appreciate the beauty of nature and the changing seasons.

Peter and I went to New York City to ...

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November 2010


I feel on top of the world. Since our return from Paris in September we have savored the magnificent autumn in our beloved village of Stonington. We’ve met people from all around America who come here to experience the splendor of the fall foliage, the changing of the seasons ...

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October 2010


September proved to be as magical as I’d anticipated and there were glorious surprises we embraced with joy. While we love having our precious grandchildren come visit us at the cottage, we equally embrace their world at home, at school and to observe them in sports activities. Before we ...

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September 2010


September is my favorite month because it is when Peter and I fell in love. Summer still lingers on and there is a sense of a fresh start and new beginnings. We still feel light and full of fresh air and have a sense of the excitement of the anticipation ...

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August 2010


Happy August to you, your family and friends. I’m happy to report to you that our family is well and Peter and I are enjoying a most happy summer at our cottage. We’re taking the advice of a wise friend, “Don’t leave home when your garden is ...

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July 2010


When my daughter Brooke was four, Peter and I married and went to Paris for our honeymoon. By then, Paris was my favorite city – Peter had never been. Brooke wanted to go to “honeymoon.” Without hesitation, Peter promised Brooke he would take her to Paris “next year.” And, a man ...

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June 2010


I’m reminded of my favorite Impressionist artist, Claude Monet, who wrote to a fellow artist friend, “Come for lunch on Tuesday when my iris will be in full bloom.” I’m seated in the downstairs study overlooking our tiny front garden we had planted last summer as an anniversary ...

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May 2010


I’m being challenged. I’m going through a rough patch, but I’m happy, healthy and optimistic things will work out and I will succeed. Before I share with you my news, I want to express my deep, sincere appreciation to you for your loyal support throughout the years ...

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April 2010


Happy April – No fooling! My first-born daughter, Alexandra, was due to be born April Fool’s Day. I told everyone she was going to be born March 31st. On March 30th, Alexandra Brandon Stoddard (A.B. Stoddard on television) was born 43 years ago.

Another significant March birthday is my ...

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March 2010


February was an extraordinarily happy month for Peter and I and I hope this was true for your family and friends. We were fortunate to go on a magical trip to Italy. We hadn’t been in this beautiful country for many, many years, and this experience awakened so many ...

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Feb 2010


We are all still reeling from the catastrophic magnitude of the earthquake that crushed Haiti’s capital city Port-au-Prince. In the midst of the carnage, a woman cried, “The world is coming to an end.” While we know the earthquake will not defeat the Haitian people, our hearts go out ...

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Jan 2010


Happy, happy New Year! I sincerely hope 2010 begins a decade of positive transformation. We are being challenged to use our highest powers to create the constructive changes in our lives that give us meaning and hope.

Looking back to the first decade of this new millennium, ten years of ...

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I love to connect with my readers, and in my monthly newsletter, I share my thoughts, updates about events, a discussion of what I've been reading, stories from life in Connecticut, and much more. Feel free to browse my past newsletters and stop by at the beginning of each month to read my latest note to you.